Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I think this is real funny.


I'm going to honest - the hilarity of this comic is much improved by the mouse's voice as imagined in my head. Kind of like the spaghatta nadle...

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Old Age Meets New Age

It's midnight and I should be going to bed because I have my jogging class in the morning, but I am up wasting time on youtube. I just watched this video and thought it was adorable and that Lady Gaga sounds really great even if she is being obnoxious. Also, we should consider dying our hair blue.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Disney Princess-fied

Before you say anything, let me say, yes, I know I have a lot of Disney related posts (see below and here, here , here and, oh yeah, here.) I just like Disney, okay?  I happen to know you do as well...

Well, David Trumble, an illustrator and cartoonist, drew 10 real life female role models as Disney Princesses. I like seeing these ladies with a little bit of Disney magic!

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See the rest here!

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