Friday, December 12, 2014


Well, the time is now. The time for finals. And all that really means, is that it is the time for Youtube videos, SNL reruns, and random blogs and tumblrs.  Currently I am sitting in a review for my Abnormal Psychology test and we just talked about trichotillomania, but now I am so over it and I want to put in my headphones and watch Youtube videos. And now you are going to benefit from it.

I'll just start with Jimmy Fallon's #LateNightHashtags. Basically he makes a hashtag and reads people's best response tweets. I'll just post the ones that Lauren, Dad, Mom, and I loved most. Please enjoy.

 And here are a few movie trailers that I think are really well done and make me so excited for the movie. The first is the new Cinderella they are doing. It's not the musical, just the story. I realize it seems like the entire movie is in the trailer but I think it looks beautiful.

And The Last Five Years. It's a musical that I love so much, and I was super nervous about them turning it into a movie. But this trailer seriously started to change my mind. I think it looks so good. And I think Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan both sound amazing. And the music is THE BEST.

Lastly, the newest Pixar movie trailer. I think this is a really creative idea. I hope it pans out. The movie is called Inside Out.

 photo Billy_zpseefaf1b8.jpg

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