Sunday, February 16, 2014

Alex Boye Frozen Cover

Okay, you haven't seen Frozen yet, but I have no doubt that will be remedied immediately upon your return.  I know you've at least heard about it because, well, I've discussed it at length in my emails to you....

I know I've also mentioned the breakout hit from the movie, Let It Go.  Here's the original version as sung by Idina Menzel:

Phenomenal, right?  I'm sure you're like, "This song is really cool, and I'm just did it get to be so cool?"  That's the normal reaction.

Of course there have already been a million covers of the song.  I normally ignore covers because I do not care to hear other people attempt something that was awesome just as it was, however, I saw that Alex Boye did a cover, and I thought, "Okay, Alex, I'm trusting you on this one."  Um, Hannah, check it:

1)  Alex Boye.  Always awesome.
3) I don't have a three because there's no need for a three.  It's just that good.

Unrelated to Frozen, but another song that I've been obsessed with and I think you will LOVE as well:
  photo lauren_zpsce3090a6.jpg

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