Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I have watched every - literally E.V.E.R.Y. - figure skating event at the Sochi Olympics to this point. (#3LOL.) I've always loved figure skating (watching, not doing because balance), so this is not surprising for my life. What is surprising is that I had no idea ice dancing was even a thing. I'm not sure how I missed ice dancing in every previous Olympics (I will venture a guess here - Dad was controlling the remote), but it is now my favorite of the figure skating events. It's so beautiful to watch; I'm completely memorized. The Russian team's free skate first captured my attention (I was riveted), but I know one of the biggest reasons I got into ice dancing was because of American duo Charlie White and Meryl Davis. They are absolutely phenomenal and were highly competitive for the gold. The Olympics is always improved when there's a chance the US will take gold. Well, two days ago, Charlie and Meryl won! They're the first American team to win gold in ice dancing EVER!! While they were performing their last skate, Caitlin texted me, "I just cried a little bit whilst watching ice dancing. It is just so lovely and I'm so happy." Exactly.

This is the free skate that converted me to ice dancing. It's still my favorite (after Charlie and Meryl, of course):

AMERICAN GOLD MEDALISTS Charlie White and Meryl Davis:

Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, who won the gold in 2010, took silver in this olympics. I think Tessa is beautiful, and - did you catch her name - TESSA VIRTUE?? If that's not an awesome name, I don't know what is. Also, if this was the 1940s, she would be in movies (seriously, with that face and that name, classic Hollywood wouldn't be able to resist her), and each film would include a long ice dancing sequence...:

 *The actual Olympic performances don't seem to be on youtube, so the videos I posted are not from the Olympics, but the skaters are performing the same routines. Maybe, by the time you get home, the real videos will be up, and we can watch those instead. It'll be worth it. I promise.

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